
Monday, April 27, 2015

Becareful picky eater!

Time does fly! My Noah will be in grade 2 this July while My baby Sean will turn 2 next month. It's wonderful to see that they are growing. Clothes too tight, pants too short, shoes too small. Thank God they are growing. 2 months ago, I decided to bring Sean to a doctor because he has eating problem. He ate only 3 spoons and refused another scoop. He breastfed that time. He has less weight and less height. His pedictrician said it's ok adn give him vitamins. I have tried so many vitamins and nothing for him. This doctor, not the pedictrician, touching Sean's neck and listen to his lungs. He thought that something wrong with hia lungs. So he sent Sean to have a rontxen. He got fleks on his lungs and we had no idea where he got it. It might become TBC if too late. Thank God, the virus made little fleks on his lungs. The virus are greedy and took Sean's nutritions, damage his body slowly from the inside. Now he has much better appetise and has add more weight. He has to take medicine within 6 months. 4 months to go. Picky eater might be dangerous moms, i'm glad to take him to another doctor not only listen to his pedictrician. My tips for mums: please follow your insting, if you feel that something might goes wrong, check it and don't ignore it.