
Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sharing book: The Parentalk Guide to Sleep -Kate Daymond

I just read this book, suggested by my parents because the sleeping problem hit my little pumpkin, here's the summary............

Children will grow healthy if parents have no doubt nursing them

Help your baby to know day and night by becoming boring parents in a positive way at night, such as if they want to play with you just pretend you are so sleepy-close you eyes half hohohohoho and don't see their eyes or you will feel loose the battle hahahaha

When your baby makes you upset show them that you can stay calm, this will make them back to normal

Watch out the sleepy signs:
giving less attention to what happen around
wobbling, hyperactive, can't stay still
pulling out their ears
bad mood
sucking their fingers
rubbing their eyes
getting upset, showing bad behavior in almost the same time every day

Seven approaches to make the baby sleep throughout the night:
1. Just follow his nature sleeping habit, you do nothing
2. Sleep together with parents in one bed
3. Control their crying approach
* say good night even when they cry and ask you to be there
* if you can't listen his crying anymore go see him after 1', if you can 3'
* calm him down BUT don't pick him up- make yourself boring
* say good night again
* repeat the process, but leave him longer, such as 5' BUT don't let him cry for 20' more
* Do this method as routine!
4. Rubber approach
* you stay in their room until they sleep BUT put him on his crib
* don't make any eye contact
* make yourself busy to make them know you are there
* if they are fussy, you may hold their hands or hug him anytime BUT don't pick him up-don't
make any eye contact
* you may get out from the room after they sleep
5. Checking out approach
almost the same with the rubber method but you DON'T stay in their room
* check them every 5' and repeat saying good night- stay consistent with the time spand
* don't pick him up and make yourself boring
6. Gentle approach
might need weeks or months. The point is let your baby drink less cc every night and change
with mineral water until they feel they don't need to drink anymore
7. Using medicine
must be under doctor supervision

Having good naps lead them to have great sleep at night -- REALLY!