
Saturday, April 9, 2016

first day of school is coming oh no!

My first will be 8 yo, while my litte one will be 3 yo very soon, less than 2 months. Thank God that Sean talks already and will go to school this July.

Sean is very attach to me, the reasons are he was a breasfed baby, no helpers at all, never babysitter, so yeahhh I'm the one and only for him. His daddy and his brother are his playmates.

When Noah went to school for the first time, he cried for more less 5 months in the morning. Now I'm preparing Sean. Telling him that he will go to school very soon and just like Noah, he must be with his friends at school. He says that he doesnt want to go to school.

The second thing is making him feel safe even when i'm not around. I left him in his grandma's house for 1-2 hours sometimes. Sometimes I have to hide and gone, he can't see me going.

The third is I train him to attend Sunday school by himself, not yet achieved, we are on process.

The fourth, when I pick Noah up or have to pay some fee, I walk with him and show him his will be classes.

Afterall, all i can do just pray that God is on time. Amen