
Friday, December 19, 2008

Article:What is a vacuum extraction delivery like?

Your practitioner applies a flexible, rounded cup to your baby's head in the birth canal. The cup is connected to an electric suction pump or a small handheld pump to create a vacuum pressure that holds the cup securely to the baby's head. You'll be asked to push while the doctor gently pulls on a handle attached to the cup, to help move your baby down and out of the birth canal.

Babies born with the help of a vacuum are more likely to have a raised bruise (called a cephalohematoma) on the top of their head, though this can happen to any baby. The bruise usually goes away within a few weeks, though it may take longer. If your baby does get a bruise, he's also more likely to become jaundiced, because the red blood cells in the bruise break up and release bilirubin, a blood component that causes jaundice.

More serious complications for your baby are relatively rare. Having a vacuum-assisted delivery increases your risk of tears in your vagina, perineum, and anal sphincter, though less so than a forceps delivery.

Taken from

Thursday, December 18, 2008

vacuum extraction delivery

I kept telling my husband to call the nurse again; they thought my turn will be tomorrow morning!!!! Finally –Thank God!- the nurse came, this time she trusted me and she even shocked to know that I’ll deliver the baby very soon. Blood everywhere, water everywhere, she changed my clothes…..I felt hopeless, scare, painful, I just want this to finish ASAP! She brought me to the sacred room by the wheelchair, my husband asked to wait outside until the doctor come.The nurse put her finger in again and she told me it’s already the eighth dilation (opening), it’s about 3am.

The nurse asked me if I joined the Pilates or Yoga, I did! Only twice honestly Hohohoho because I was so busy! She threatened me if I couldn’t push correctly she won’t call the doctor; lucky me the doctor’s house just next to the hospital. The doctor came around 3.45am…I felt terrible. The doctor just stood next to my bed asks me to push. I kept asking a spoon of water to wet my lips and throat. After the struggles and it didn’t work, he told me that the baby will be in danger if we don’t get him out now while I couldn’t push well, so he gave me option, c-section or vacuum-assisted.

I was thinking, I’ve been struggling this hard, I don’t think I want c-section and it was expensive as well Huhuhuhu. The nurse up to my bed and push my tummy, my husband also asked to do the same thing from the other side. Don’t ask me the how hurt it was Hahahahha.

We decided vacuum-assisted, it is attached with the baby’s head and while I’m pushing, the vacuum will also pull my baby’s out. The risk is your baby’s head no longer round but a bit longer on the top and bruise –this is what people say- but it didn’t happen to my baby boy, the shape of his head back to normal very soon, maybe a day after, also the bruise. Jaundice also probably happen because the red blood cells in the bruise break up and release bilirubin, a blood component that causes jaundice. He was a jaundice baby. I have an article about this, take a look.

It felt funny when the baby really got out from your tummy, you can feel his body, such as shoulder and the legs. When I heard the first crying, all the pain are gone changed to joy and relieve. No one can feel it but the mums. It’s like a song for your ears (for that time Hohohoho)

My mum told me that the painful to bear when deliver the baby make women stronger than men ever! It’s true…..

My tips for mums are thinking about the baby that you’ll meet him soon, very soon, the joy when you meet him for the first time.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Delivering the baby-newborn

When the time comes, I wish the time can wait......After the great pregnancy waiting experience.....2 weeks before the predicted date, at night around 10pm when we were ready to sleep.....I felt that the baby couldn't wait any longer -I tried to tell my self maybe not yet- Honestly I was starting nervous and couldn't believe it did happen.

The silly or I can say the funny thing wonderful husband leave our handycam in his office, so we didn't go to the hospital straight away but we went to the office first....ohhhhh aren't we so smart!!!! My tips for mums are make sure you have your handy or camera with you with full battery starting 2 weeks before the magic date! Don't forget to put your luggage to bring to the hospital inside the car, so you are ready anytime!

I stepped into the hospital gate at 12pm and I keep trying telling my self maybe it's not the time yet.....Hellooooo it is the time! Huhuhuhuhu

The struggling began....When the nurse put her finger in my 'thing' and it was just the first dilation(opening) I heard the mum next door shouting and screaming and Arrrrggghhhhh will I be able handle this? The nurse telling me that the baby will come out tomorrow morning around 8 o'clock. I could still walk and prefer a nice room to stay- I think I have to be proud to my self!!! My tips for mums are relax, laugh and positive thinking!

At 12.30am, I was lying on my bed already and the labor began....the tummy ache came periodically and often.......Before every 10 minutes, 7 minutes, 5 minutes, 3 minutes and then 1 minutes.......I felt that my back will be broken, it was terribly hurt....I kept asking my husband to give me HARD massages- He was still watching soccer, it was Liverpool!!!-

I felt the water streams out everytime I got contraction-I didn't know it was the water, I thought it was just pee- I asked my husband to call the nurse but they were helping the other mum (Who shouting and screaming!!!) The nurse were very limited as it was night shift.....My tips for mums are praying and screaming (We can't shout when we're trying to get the baby out so shout now!). Remember God not only in the hardest time but also in the happiest moment hehehehehe

Pregnancy symptoms:morning sick & backache

My first pregnancy was a blessing as I can say that everything went smoothly. After I got married for 1 month, a friend of mine who is able to see “some” future – just believe me!- told me that I have to check whether I’m pregnant or not yet. I don’t really believe her as I’m a very logic woman…so I bought a very cheap test pack; it’s only Rp 2.000,00 (you cannot even buy a portion of rice with veggie with this price). Still, I don’t do it straight away, I’m waiting and waiting……I love to procrastinate something that I’m not so sure about. Of course I pregnant-as predicted…hooray!!!! The baby is on the way....

The first 3 weeks were fantastic, I enjoyed eating a lot and I felt so sleepy all day. It’s just the beginning hohohoho. Finally I felt what mums called morning sick syndrome but for me it’s evening sick syndrome. I’m generally fine in the morning, very sick in the evening. Drinking milk, which is a must for big tummy mums, became so yucky for me, My tips for mums for this are put the same number of spoon recommended but with half or three fourth of water. The second was don’t breath while drinking, isn’t it so childish hahahaha

As I’m a working mum, I keep working during my pregnancy…working did help a lot to cope with the sickness or I could say to forget the sickness! In the evening I felt worse, I couldn’t eat something tasty, what I like the most was salty or no taste at all dinner. Later I just knew that salty food make my nose bigger, until a child of my friend once asked, “Will it back to its size?” Oh come on!!! My tips for mums are keep trying to cook all not tasty but nutrious food by yourself, so you can adjust the taste and so sorry for your spouse, eat with me or cook by youself Hehehehhe

The privilege of becoming a big tummy mum was everybody is there for you that are what supposed to be! The next challenged was backache…here comes a man who promises to be with you in difficult and hard me Babe! Ask your spouse nicely to give you back massage every night for 30 minutes minimal until you fell asleep Hahahaha This work well! Smart tips for mums
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

pregnancy symptoms:headache & swollen feet

After backache, the next was headache!!!! This one I hate the was so annoyed and HURT!

I got headache from morning to night and I commited not to take any medicine for the sake of my baby...I knew that i could take an aspirin but I insisted my self to hang on. It happened to me in my 3-5month of tips for mums are think about your baby and face it with positive attitude-keep doing your work, try to eat something sweet and tell yourself this will also pass soon. At night, put string or ribbon around your head and tie it or put pillow over your head when sleeping. It helped a lot....don't forget the sweet massage from your spouse Hohohohoho

The next good things - because you have your sweetheart inside- was swollen feet (7 months up), I couldn't fill all my feet into my tips for mums are dip your feet in a pail of salty warm water for 15-30 minutes, do it when you're doing your hobby, for me is reading. Try to walk for 10 minutes every an hour sitting down in front of the computer also helped and of course the last weapon is ask your adorable spouse to do some massage Huhuhuhuhu

When it's 8 months already, i felt that I want my baby to be delivered soon, because it's so heavy and made me not comfortable at all, it was even hard for me to go to the toilet at night which i did 3-4 times. My tips for mums for the safety is hang on to something to help you stand still before walking, to keep you balance. Put both of your feet over the pillow also helped a lot. Putting a small pillow under your back also release the sore.