It's school time! he is just 2,5yo but I have my reasons:
1. Learning to make friends because he doesn't have any siblings yet nor cousin
2. Learning independence in doing basic skills such as eating
3. I heard that the golden age will be at the top at 3 yo
He goes to International School, my expectation, he can speak 3 languages at a time Indonesian as my mother language, English as the second and Mandarin as the third. He learn international curriculum and he can enjoy school -not learning so hard but get the love of learning
The perfect age to learn languages is under 6yo. So It is the right time.
My tips for mums, Children's need is your first priority. Sending him to school is not because you want to be free. Being a mum is a full time devotion. If you've observed the needs of going to school than spending time to find a school that fit to him and fit to your wallet ^^ The best school nearby might be the worst school for your children. Choose the school that can accomodate your children's need.