A day before his 1st birthday he walked around the house by himself and now he walks already hoorayyyy!!
Every expert mummy told me that having a walking boy can be so tiring, I told my self I would enjoy it a lot but.............they're right so TIRED especially when he loves challanges!!!!! climb up on the couch, trying to climb up the stairs or down without saying a word! AARRRGGGHHH whatta exercise for my heart!
He understands more words! GREAT....but sometimes he just refuse to listen to his beloved mum, he knows NO...but he pretends no one's talking. It's amazing indeed how he REALY understands instructions...
He talks some words like mama, papa, mam for eat, nen for drink.....so cute. he still talk some planet language that hasn't been discovered yet hahahaha
He loves trying to eat by himself, he sometimes doesn't want mummy to feed him....it brings problems, dirty floor, t-shirt, short, ALL....this time I prefer giving him finger food..
My tips for mums be prepared for uncovered ability everyday, so exciting! Avoid saying NO all the time which is your favourite word to be hihihihi
Fruitfulness living in Jesus. He never leaves us nor forsakes us. Glory yo My Atmost
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
In Progress to be GREAT eater
1 yr 2 weeks
He suddenly openned his mouth voluntary to eat! yay......
Began with porridge in the morning in Jakarta
He just love the porridge we ate someday in the morning
I made porridge everyday hohohoho with many kinds of nutritious food inside
My tips for Mums don't force the children to eat, maybe just not the time yet.
Waiting the right time to feed him, wait until he's starving - what i read is babies never starve theirselves
Find his favourite DVD and let him watch while eating
Let him play while eating
If he eats not much offer him milk
Fever on Babies-article
You've probably experienced waking in the middle of the night to find your child flushed, hot, and sweaty. Your little one's forehead feels warm. You immediately suspect a fever, but are unsure of what to do next. Should you get out the thermometer? Call the doctor?
In healthy kids, fevers usually don't indicate anything serious. Although it can be frightening when your child's temperature rises, fever itself causes no harm and can actually be a good thing — it's often the body's way of fighting infections. And not all fevers need to be treated. High fever, however, can make a child uncomfortable and worsen problems such as dehydration.
Here's more about fevers, how to measure and treat them, and when to call your doctor.
Fever Facts
Fever occurs when the body's internal "thermostat" raises the body temperature above its normal level. This thermostat is found in the part of the brain called the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus knows what temperature your body should be (usually around 98.6° Fahrenheit or 37° Celsius) and will send messages to your body to keep it that way.
Sometimes, though, the hypothalamus will "reset" the body to a higher temperature in response to an infection, illness, or some other cause. So, why does the hypothalamus tell the body to change to a new temperature? Researchers believe turning up the heat is the body's way of fighting the germs that cause infections and making the body a less comfortable place for them
Causes of Fever
It's important to remember that fever by itself is not an illness — it's usually a symptom of an underlying problem.
Fever has a few potential causes:
Infection: Most fevers are caused by infection or other illness. Fever helps the body fight infections by stimulating natural defense mechanisms.
Overdressing: Infants, especially newborns, may get fevers if they're overbundled or in a hot environment because they don't regulate their body temperature as well as older kids. However, because fevers in newborns can indicate a serious infection, even infants who are overdressed must be evaluated by a doctor if they have a fever.
Immunizations: Babies and kids sometimes get a low-grade fever after getting vaccinated.
Although teething may cause a slight rise in body temperature, it's probably not the cause if a child's temperature is higher than 100° F (37.8° C).
When Fever Is a Sign of Something Serious
In the past, doctors advised treating a fever on the basis of temperature alone. But now they recommend considering both the temperature and a child's overall condition.
Kids whose temperatures are lower than 102° F (38.9° C) often don't require medication unless they're uncomfortable. There's one important exception to this rule: If you have an infant 3 months or younger with a rectal temperature of 100.4° F (38° C) or higher, call your doctor or go to the emergency department immediately. Even a slight fever can be a sign of a potentially serious infection in very young infants.
If your child is between 3 months and 3 years old and has a fever of 102.2° F (39° C) or higher, call your doctor to see if he or she needs to see your child. For older kids, take behavior and activity level into account. Watching how your child behaves will give you a pretty good idea of whether a minor illness is the cause or if your child should be seen by a doctor.
The illness is probably not serious if your child:
is still interested in playing
is eating and drinking well
is alert and smiling at you
has a normal skin color
looks well when his or her temperature comes down
And don't worry too much about a child with a fever who doesn't want to eat. This is very common with infections that cause fever. For kids who still drink and urinate normally, not eating as much as usual is OK.
Helping Kids Feel Better
Again, not all fevers need to be treated. And in most cases, a fever should be treated only if it's causing a child discomfort.
Here are ways to alleviate symptoms that often accompany a fever:
If your child is fussy or appears uncomfortable, you can give acetaminophen or ibuprofen based on the package recommendations for age or weight. (Unless instructed by a doctor, never give aspirin to a child due to its association with Reye syndrome, a rare but potentially fatal disease.) If you don't know the recommended dose or your child is younger than 2 years old, call the doctor to find out how much to give.
Infants under 2 months old should not be given any medication for fever without being evaluated by a doctor. If your child has any medical problems, check with the doctor to see which medication is best to use. Remember that fever medication will usually temporarily bring a temperature down, but won't return it to normal — and it won't treat the underlying reason for the fever.
Giving a sponge bath can make your child more comfortable and help bring the fever down. Use only lukewarm water; cool water may cause shivering, which actually raises body temperature. Never use alcohol (it can cause poisoning when absorbed through the skin) or ice packs/cold baths (they can cause chills that may raise body temperature).
Dress your child in lightweight clothing and cover with a light sheet or blanket. Overdressing and overbundling can prevent body heat from escaping and can cause a temperature to rise.
Make sure your child's bedroom is a comfortable temperature — not too hot or too cold.
Offer plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration — a fever will cause a child to lose fluids more rapidly. Water, soup, ice pops, and flavored gelatin are all good choices. Avoid drinks containing caffeine, including colas and tea, because they can cause increased urination.
If your child also is vomiting and/or has diarrhea, ask the doctor if you should give an electrolyte (rehydration) solution made especially for kids. You can find these solutions at drugstores and supermarkets. Don't offer sports drinks — they're not designed for younger children, and the added sugars may make diarrhea worse. Also, limit your child's intake of fruits and apple juice.
In general, let your child eat what he or she wants (in reasonable amounts) but don't force eating if your child doesn't feel like it.
Make sure your child gets plenty of rest. Staying in bed all day isn't necessary, but a sick child should take it easy.
It's best to keep a child with a fever home from school or childcare. Most doctors feel that it's safe to return when the temperature has been normal for 24 hours.
When to Call the Doctor
The exact temperature that should trigger a call to the doctor depends on the age of the child, the illness, and whether there are other symptoms with the fever.
Call your doctor if you have an:
infant younger than 3 months old with a temperature of 100.4° F (38° C) or higher
older child with a temperature of higher than 102.2° F (39° C)
Call the doctor if an older child has a fever of less than 102.2° F (39° C) but also:
refuses fluids or seems too ill to drink adequately
has persistent diarrhea or repeated vomiting
has any signs of dehydration (urinating less than usual, not having tears when crying, less alert and less active than usual)
has a specific complaint (e.g., sore throat or earache)
still has a fever after 24 hours (in kids younger than 2 years) or 72 hours (in kids 2 years or older)
has recurrent fevers, even if they only last a few hours each night
has a chronic medical problem such as heart disease, cancer, lupus, or sickle cell anemia
has a rash
has pain with urination
Seek emergency care if your child shows any of these signs:
inconsolable crying
extreme irritability
lethargy and difficulty waking
rash or purple spots that look like bruises on the skin (that were not there before the child got sick)
blue lips, tongue, or nails
infant's soft spot on the head seems to be bulging outward or sunken inwards
stiff neck
severe headache
limpness or refusal to move
difficulty breathing that doesn't get better when the nose is cleared
leaning forward and drooling
seizure abdominal pain
Fever: A Common Part of Childhood
All kids get fevers, and in the majority of cases, most are completely back to normal within a few days. For older infants and kids (but not necessarily for infants younger than 3 months), the way they act is far more important than the reading on your thermometer. Everyone gets cranky when they have a fever. This is normal and should be expected.
But if you're ever in doubt about what to do or what a fever might mean, or if your child is acting ill in a way that concerns you even if there's no fever, always call your doctor for advice.
extreme irritability
lethargy and difficulty waking
rash or purple spots that look like bruises on the skin (that were not there before the child got sick)
blue lips, tongue, or nails
infant's soft spot on the head seems to be bulging outward or sunken inwards
stiff neck
severe headache
limpness or refusal to move
difficulty breathing that doesn't get better when the nose is cleared
leaning forward and drooling
seizure abdominal pain
Fever: A Common Part of Childhood
All kids get fevers, and in the majority of cases, most are completely back to normal within a few days. For older infants and kids (but not necessarily for infants younger than 3 months), the way they act is far more important than the reading on your thermometer. Everyone gets cranky when they have a fever. This is normal and should be expected.
But if you're ever in doubt about what to do or what a fever might mean, or if your child is acting ill in a way that concerns you even if there's no fever, always call your doctor for advice.
Reviewed by: Larissa Hirsch, MD
Friday, September 25, 2009
1st birthday
happy 1st birthday.....
Simple way to celebrate thanksgiving party:
1. Venue: at home
2. Invitation: special friends
3. Get a chef to cook for you....much cheaper
4. Home made birthday cake
5. Simple but cool souvenirs
No need long preparation....only 1 week before ^_^
The point is about thanksgiving party, that's all!! We really thank God for His amazing guidance since September 14th 2008 until now........
Tips for mums....your child didn't really get involved with the party, he didn't even understand that birthday = presents.........so make the 1st birthday party simple and warm.....a place to share your blessings with special friends and family
Simple way to celebrate thanksgiving party:
1. Venue: at home
2. Invitation: special friends
3. Get a chef to cook for you....much cheaper
4. Home made birthday cake
5. Simple but cool souvenirs
No need long preparation....only 1 week before ^_^
The point is about thanksgiving party, that's all!! We really thank God for His amazing guidance since September 14th 2008 until now........
Tips for mums....your child didn't really get involved with the party, he didn't even understand that birthday = presents.........so make the 1st birthday party simple and warm.....a place to share your blessings with special friends and family
Monday, August 31, 2009
Fussy Eater- hang on!
Getting better!
I know for sure he loves biscuits, cereals, watermelon, papaya.....finger food!
so I tried to make sushi for baby.....rice and whatever healthy you can put inside, just make a very small ball his mouth big-the size
I started with grated cheese
chopped fish with carrot cover by grated cheese outside
carrot and beans cover by grated cheese
Blended chicken, beef and carrot mix with the rice ball cover by grated cheese
For the rice, just steam it with the soup of chicken, beef and carrot
Usualy I take half of the carrot and cut long for his breakfast
And for a while I will forget the idea eating on his high chair...maybe not the time yet for him
so...I play him a DVD or when he walks around the house....I will accept every unacceptable eating behaviour IF he eats...that's all!
My tips for mum try to find out HOW he likes to eat his food and be super creative....
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Fussy Eater!
I'm really tested as a mum! i have to spend at least 1 hour to feed my son.....with many kinds of food....from main dish, fruit, cookies, etc.......
I have tried all the vitamins recommended! I have tried all the methods suggested!
I have visited the nutritionist! I have tried many new food to try...all go in vain!
HELPPPPP!!!! If he has average weight than I will shut my mouth up...but he is not!
Here's the menu I have tried....he eats 2 spoons at the beginning and decides whether he likes it or not and mostly not!
* porridge with chicken, beef, salmon, etc
* soft rice
* macaroni
* cream soup
* soup
* rice noodle
* spaghety
* fruit salad
What he likes the most is water melon and papaya! We call him water melon boy hahahaha
he quite likes puding and he loves cheese cookies...Ritz!
I have my to try list for him for the next days
* noodle
* chinese bean
* rice with coconut milk
My sister in law also suggest me to buy colorful plate and spoon for him, i will buy whatever!!!!
I hope this will pass by SOON!
My tips for mums.....hang on there! and be creative!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Development Milestone 10 to 11mo
What he can do now:
* crawling everywhere in full speed
* learning to walk
* up to the stair
* floating with his plane float!! so cute!!
* saying papa...mama...without understand the meaning i bet!
* saying more words which doesn't exist in the world hahahahaha
* holding bottle by himself
What to achieve- my personal goals:
* eating by himself by 12mo
* walking without any assistance by 12 mo
* sleeping all trough the night by 12 mo
my tips for mums, sometimes it seems that our lovely one left behind- I do! but I always learn not to compare him with others, just compare him with himself before....
Eating Problem!
Changing food from puree to porridge is a struggle!!! He is now joining mouth shutting group! huhuhuhuhu We have such a fight for every meal! At last I give up and give him more time to adapt with the new food.....it goes better for both of us, we are in love again ^_^

Same weight and height as last month, 7.2kg and 66cm!!! he is 10 mo up now.....
Finally the pedi. asked us to go to the nutrionist, and he said lack of nutrition boy! how come!!!
So here's the new menu, always add 1 tea spoon of canola oil for every meal.
For milk always add another 1/2 spoon plus vitamin....hope it works well!!!
My tips for mum, changing the size of the teath does help! I just knew it, he drinks more now!
My sweet hedgehog loves to eat if there are a lot of toys on his eating tray....and he just loves to throw them away one by one, the easier thing I just put all his unbreakable toys in the basket next to him hehehehehe
Same weight and height as last month, 7.2kg and 66cm!!! he is 10 mo up now.....
Finally the pedi. asked us to go to the nutrionist, and he said lack of nutrition boy! how come!!!
So here's the new menu, always add 1 tea spoon of canola oil for every meal.
For milk always add another 1/2 spoon plus vitamin....hope it works well!!!
My tips for mum, changing the size of the teath does help! I just knew it, he drinks more now!
My sweet hedgehog loves to eat if there are a lot of toys on his eating tray....and he just loves to throw them away one by one, the easier thing I just put all his unbreakable toys in the basket next to him hehehehehe
Reminder for me....each child develops on his own pace! no worries....as God gives only the best!
sleeping problem
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
trip to Yogya-Solo
Adventorous Trip!!
Day 1
Bandung- Jakarta
Day 2
We went around Yogyakarta by angkot, bus and becak!!!! with a 9mo baby.... cool!!!
We didn't miss to try train to Solo...no AC and not cozzy and he slept 50' during the trip
Day 3
First swimming for Noah and as we predicted he cried out loud...it might be of the cold water
Day 4
We almost late for the plane hahahaha
Day 5

Day 1
Bandung- Jakarta
Day 2
We went around Yogyakarta by angkot, bus and becak!!!! with a 9mo baby.... cool!!!
We didn't miss to try train to Solo...no AC and not cozzy and he slept 50' during the trip
Day 3
First swimming for Noah and as we predicted he cried out loud...it might be of the cold water
Day 4
We almost late for the plane hahahaha
Day 5
at Keraton Yogya
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
first trip by flight
First trip with our 8mo baby made us so nervous!
the night before.......was terrible! he woke up every 2 hours hahaha while our plane planned to take off at 8am and we needed around 45' to get there
the morning was also terrible, it seemed that he knew he will face new experience in a moment away!
the plans were he will drink a bottle of milk when the plane take off and then he will sleep like a baby....but the parents' plan not his plan I bet! huhuhuhuhu
he didn't have his breakfast so he had finished three forth of the milk on the way to the airport!!! and also slept in the car ALREADY!!!!
in the plane.......i tried to ask him biting his teether to avoid his ear hurt later. he didn't sleep and just slept when the plane attendace announced that we will landing soon! he enjoyed his trip in the plane, he played a lot! and was curious about many things...
My tips for mums just enjoy the trip! hahahahaha don't forget to make plan A, plan B, plan C and so on......bring more bottles of milk!
Monday, April 20, 2009
amazing development
he can now stand up by holding the bars on his box! he sits without support already and can't wait to walk! and he is 7 months.......so cute but also sometimes...............he just love to practice his new skills!
it's his nap time, he slept already I'm sure but when i put him on his box, in 5 sec he's standing on the bars smiling! it happened again last night, 2am!!!! finally I WILL NOT put him on his box unless he is in his deep sleep already...hihihihi

he can stand more properly now!
my tips for mums, it's really true not to carry him all the time, let him explore on the floor or on his bed, and you will amazed what he will achieve!
it's his nap time, he slept already I'm sure but when i put him on his box, in 5 sec he's standing on the bars smiling! it happened again last night, 2am!!!! finally I WILL NOT put him on his box unless he is in his deep sleep already...hihihihi
he can stand more properly now!
my tips for mums, it's really true not to carry him all the time, let him explore on the floor or on his bed, and you will amazed what he will achieve!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Having fun with friend
We had a little visitor yesterday, he is 1,5month younger than my little guy but 3kg heavier hahahaha
so funny how baby communicate to each other, they did! As if they understand!
We put them together on the mat, they looked at each other, my boy looked at him when he took his toys. They tended to get closer to each other! I think they practice their first social skills.
Yesterday was great just perfect!
My tips for mums, meet him with the other babies is such a great experience not only for the baby but also for mums as we share our stories.
so funny how baby communicate to each other, they did! As if they understand!
We put them together on the mat, they looked at each other, my boy looked at him when he took his toys. They tended to get closer to each other! I think they practice their first social skills.
Yesterday was great just perfect!
My tips for mums, meet him with the other babies is such a great experience not only for the baby but also for mums as we share our stories.
social skills
Monday, March 23, 2009
6mo development
he's growing! really! I will say nothing about his weight and i will compare him only with himself. When I went to my pedi, he was 6.1 kg and 61cm. so he said, milk only in the morning and at night! the rest is solid foods hahahahahaha now he's getting chubbier hehehehe
Significant progresses he can do are..........
he can choose the way he sleeps whether on his tummy or on his back
he can focus on thing in front of him and insist getting it by throwing himselp forward or crawl a bit- he loves handphones and tv remote huhuhuhuhe can sit without falling and still struggle to sit by himself-almost!
he eats solid and he likes eating in sitting position
he can refuse the food or bottle with his hands
he smiles when he sees mirror
he can grab his toys and drag it
he has white bumps on his gum- he eats everything, included my arms, legs, hair, etc
he cries when strangers carry him
he takes naps and sleep in almost the same time everyday-praise the Lord :D
i met a nurse yesterday and she reminded me that every children has their own pace
Whatta adventure everyday!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Sharing book: The Parentalk Guide to Sleep -Kate Daymond
I just read this book, suggested by my parents because the sleeping problem hit my little pumpkin, here's the summary............
Children will grow healthy if parents have no doubt nursing them
Help your baby to know day and night by becoming boring parents in a positive way at night, such as if they want to play with you just pretend you are so sleepy-close you eyes half hohohohoho and don't see their eyes or you will feel loose the battle hahahaha
When your baby makes you upset show them that you can stay calm, this will make them back to normal
Watch out the sleepy signs:
giving less attention to what happen around
wobbling, hyperactive, can't stay still
pulling out their ears
bad mood
sucking their fingers
rubbing their eyes
getting upset, showing bad behavior in almost the same time every day
Seven approaches to make the baby sleep throughout the night:
1. Just follow his nature sleeping habit, you do nothing
2. Sleep together with parents in one bed
3. Control their crying approach
* say good night even when they cry and ask you to be there
* if you can't listen his crying anymore go see him after 1', if you can 3'
* calm him down BUT don't pick him up- make yourself boring
* say good night again
* repeat the process, but leave him longer, such as 5' BUT don't let him cry for 20' more
* Do this method as routine!
4. Rubber approach
* you stay in their room until they sleep BUT put him on his crib
* don't make any eye contact
* make yourself busy to make them know you are there
* if they are fussy, you may hold their hands or hug him anytime BUT don't pick him up-don't
make any eye contact
* you may get out from the room after they sleep
5. Checking out approach
almost the same with the rubber method but you DON'T stay in their room
* check them every 5' and repeat saying good night- stay consistent with the time spand
* don't pick him up and make yourself boring
6. Gentle approach
might need weeks or months. The point is let your baby drink less cc every night and change
with mineral water until they feel they don't need to drink anymore
7. Using medicine
must be under doctor supervision
Having good naps lead them to have great sleep at night -- REALLY!
Children will grow healthy if parents have no doubt nursing them
Help your baby to know day and night by becoming boring parents in a positive way at night, such as if they want to play with you just pretend you are so sleepy-close you eyes half hohohohoho and don't see their eyes or you will feel loose the battle hahahaha
When your baby makes you upset show them that you can stay calm, this will make them back to normal
Watch out the sleepy signs:
giving less attention to what happen around
wobbling, hyperactive, can't stay still
pulling out their ears
bad mood
sucking their fingers
rubbing their eyes
getting upset, showing bad behavior in almost the same time every day
Seven approaches to make the baby sleep throughout the night:
1. Just follow his nature sleeping habit, you do nothing
2. Sleep together with parents in one bed
3. Control their crying approach
* say good night even when they cry and ask you to be there
* if you can't listen his crying anymore go see him after 1', if you can 3'
* calm him down BUT don't pick him up- make yourself boring
* say good night again
* repeat the process, but leave him longer, such as 5' BUT don't let him cry for 20' more
* Do this method as routine!
4. Rubber approach
* you stay in their room until they sleep BUT put him on his crib
* don't make any eye contact
* make yourself busy to make them know you are there
* if they are fussy, you may hold their hands or hug him anytime BUT don't pick him up-don't
make any eye contact
* you may get out from the room after they sleep
5. Checking out approach
almost the same with the rubber method but you DON'T stay in their room
* check them every 5' and repeat saying good night- stay consistent with the time spand
* don't pick him up and make yourself boring
6. Gentle approach
might need weeks or months. The point is let your baby drink less cc every night and change
with mineral water until they feel they don't need to drink anymore
7. Using medicine
must be under doctor supervision
Having good naps lead them to have great sleep at night -- REALLY!
sleeping problem
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Nursing and thinking
Nursing my little guy sometimes bring me some thoughts.........a contemplation
The simple one was like this...he can be in crawl position now and sometimes he can move forward using his knees or throwing himself forward. He can focus on things he want to reach and give full concentration to get it. This happens on my bed and it's 80cm from the ground.
As parents we wanna the best for our kid, so when he is on the edge of the bed, we will lift up and put him in the safest position which is in the middle on the bed..
He will get upset! He thought that I'm almost there and you put me to the zero position AGAIN! I can't believe it!
Do you see any connection with our relationship with God?
We can be exactly like the baby, we crazy of something and we don't realise that we can fall very deep when we try to reach for the goal. Are we going to exchange Jesus with something that vain?
When God saves us from the edge we sometimes get upset! Why do You block my way......when actually He is saving us from the falling....
Thursday, March 5, 2009
first solid
I started solid since 3 days ago......biscuit with milk. I started with one forth of the biscuit now 1 biscuit. He keeps learning and here's how we started hahahahaha
I didn't start with banana and orange because he got coughing a abit and those fruit not a good start for him. It takes forever feeding him huhuhuhuhu
My tips for mums, be super patient he's in the learning process, I keep telling my self!
and also don't forget to be full equiped hehehehe. it's ok to get dirty right, not only the baby but also us!!!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
yeahhhh.....we got the reason why he got so fussy! Teething....yeahhhh....teething...I can see two white bumps on his gum. He is drooling a lot, what i mean a lot is realy A LOT!
Here's the sign:
FUSSY it seems that we do everthing in vain to comfort him
ALL YOU CAN EATER he loves to eat from plastic to paper
AWAKE AT NIGHT & HARD TO SLEEP he used to sleep well
MILK ON STRIKE he drinks half of his usual portion
He is 5 mo now and starting to have the white cute bumps on his gum...let's see how long it takes to make a single tooth
My tips for mums be patient hohohohohoho
Anyway...I have sweet experience during my desperate time making him sleep....when I expressed my milk in another room, my husband tried to make him sleep, I heard he cried loud.....because it's been a long tiring day for me, I'm ready to get upset....I put him side by side with me on my bed, suddenly he came closer to me and leaned on my arm, he even touched my cheek and looked at me...who can get upset????? it reminds me again that i've fallen in love with this little boy and still until now ^_^
Here's the sign:
FUSSY it seems that we do everthing in vain to comfort him
ALL YOU CAN EATER he loves to eat from plastic to paper
AWAKE AT NIGHT & HARD TO SLEEP he used to sleep well
MILK ON STRIKE he drinks half of his usual portion
He is 5 mo now and starting to have the white cute bumps on his gum...let's see how long it takes to make a single tooth
My tips for mums be patient hohohohohoho
Anyway...I have sweet experience during my desperate time making him sleep....when I expressed my milk in another room, my husband tried to make him sleep, I heard he cried loud.....because it's been a long tiring day for me, I'm ready to get upset....I put him side by side with me on my bed, suddenly he came closer to me and leaned on my arm, he even touched my cheek and looked at me...who can get upset????? it reminds me again that i've fallen in love with this little boy and still until now ^_^
Friday, February 13, 2009
Sleeping problem-AGAIN!
What do you need the most for having success sleeping method is consistency! I went to my pedi last Monday and after hours waiting, the pedi called to have emergency surgery in other hospital, so we decided to go home. We used to have all the bed routine starting at 8pm, but that day we went home very late, it was at 10pm and because he slept in the waiting room and in the car, he awaked until 11pm!
Then the disaster began......
He desperately needs to be carried and rocked again before sleep!!!!! or being fed! He is such a smart manipulative baby boy, he knows for sure if he plays with his mouth mummy will think he is hungry and mummy will pick him up.....I can't let him starving, if he is really hungry, who knows!
So...i'm going to start all over again! probably tomorrow....yesterday we went to the pedi, and he got vaccination that makes him got fever.....
Thank God I have a great, wonderful, sweet husband who wants to comfort him and accompany him to sleep at nights....
Then the disaster began......
He desperately needs to be carried and rocked again before sleep!!!!! or being fed! He is such a smart manipulative baby boy, he knows for sure if he plays with his mouth mummy will think he is hungry and mummy will pick him up.....I can't let him starving, if he is really hungry, who knows!
So...i'm going to start all over again! probably tomorrow....yesterday we went to the pedi, and he got vaccination that makes him got fever.....
Thank God I have a great, wonderful, sweet husband who wants to comfort him and accompany him to sleep at nights....
sleeping problem
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
my little trouble maker (he awakes me in the middle of night for dream feeds!!!) hahahahaha now is a great sleeper...my finally worked method (I wrote it already) help me and him....
Now he has 2-3 naps each 45min-2 hours and at night he sleeps at 8-9pm and wakes up at 7-8am. As he sleeps earlier now, he asks for 2 dream feeds!!!! I'll be fine with that as long as he drinks a lot and sleep like a baby- he is a baby huhuhuhuhuhu
His new routine make me glad! I read articles about why baby needs more time to sleep, here the points...
First thing to know is baby needs 10,5-18 hours to sleep while 1-3 yo needs 12-14 hours a day
The reason DEEP SLEEP should be fullfiled:
- growth hormone increase particularly at night when the baby has deep sleep. It works the best
at 10pm-12am and 3am
- stimulate brain development
- cell generation (if they can't generated the imune system going down)
- avoid obese in the future (they will be tired soon in the afternoon - too lazy to move)
- concentration problem
- emotional problem
Why he can't sleep well, it might because of nightmare, too tired, illness, OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea), pressure from his environment, sleep position, not comfortable room
I have experienced too tired make him very fussy! if adults get too tired will sleep like a baby, if a baby they will be very fussy and can't sleep!
My tips for mums is aware of the baby's condition and find the real reason why he can't sleep well. Trying a lot of method to find which fit to your baby will be great! As we know deep sleep is absolutely important!
deep slleep,
dream feed,
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Breastfeeding- starter kit and points to know!
Friends of mine asked me this question: “What are the basic props we need to start pumping?” So here we go:
Start thinking after delivery, absolutely everybody wants to breastfeed the baby directly, but…..if until the second day, the milk won’t let down (the baby will be fine without any food until 2-3 days-depend on the condition as well)…buy the pump to stimulate the milk as quick as possible if not the hospital will offer you the formula hiks hiks hiks. I suggest you to use manual pump because you can control the suction; send me email at mumtomums@gmail.com if you need to know the brand.
If you have problem with the nipple, consult with the lactation consultant (you can find them in certain hospital) whether you need the nipple shield to pull the nipple out or you need to do something to prepare yours to breastfeed the baby.
Pumping the milk means you need more bottle, if you have abundant milk supply then you can store them in the fridge (last for 24 hours) or in the freezer (last for 3 months). If you just put it outside until the next feeding time it will last 6-8 hours and if the weather extremely hot it lasts only 4 hours. Just smell it before you give it to the baby if overdue.
When you put it in the fridge or freezer and you want it simple then you need bottle warmer or if you don’t want to buy it then just put in the warm water until the temperature of the bottle as warm as the water (it takes time definitely). DO NOT SHAKE the MILK just SWIRL it! Why????? Read the article I attached in the blog archive.
Brush and liquid soap special to wash the bottle and the small bucket to put the dirty bottle in. You may also need bottle container to put all the bottle in.
Of course the next is sterilizer for the bottle-so simple! I love simple as I use a lot of bottle in a day and I don’t want to waste time sterilizing by boiling them for 10 minutes!
Breast massage can be useful- you can find it how in links I have on the right side of my posts (just find it somewhere hehehhehe) or to stimulate more let down milk, cover your breast up before you pump with warm towel.
You need to relax when you do this not in a rush, watching TV or listening to the music while pumping also make you relax.
To increase the milk supply, pump it consistently, e.g. every 3 or 4 hours.
Good luck!
Start thinking after delivery, absolutely everybody wants to breastfeed the baby directly, but…..if until the second day, the milk won’t let down (the baby will be fine without any food until 2-3 days-depend on the condition as well)…buy the pump to stimulate the milk as quick as possible if not the hospital will offer you the formula hiks hiks hiks. I suggest you to use manual pump because you can control the suction; send me email at mumtomums@gmail.com if you need to know the brand.
If you have problem with the nipple, consult with the lactation consultant (you can find them in certain hospital) whether you need the nipple shield to pull the nipple out or you need to do something to prepare yours to breastfeed the baby.
Pumping the milk means you need more bottle, if you have abundant milk supply then you can store them in the fridge (last for 24 hours) or in the freezer (last for 3 months). If you just put it outside until the next feeding time it will last 6-8 hours and if the weather extremely hot it lasts only 4 hours. Just smell it before you give it to the baby if overdue.
When you put it in the fridge or freezer and you want it simple then you need bottle warmer or if you don’t want to buy it then just put in the warm water until the temperature of the bottle as warm as the water (it takes time definitely). DO NOT SHAKE the MILK just SWIRL it! Why????? Read the article I attached in the blog archive.
Brush and liquid soap special to wash the bottle and the small bucket to put the dirty bottle in. You may also need bottle container to put all the bottle in.
Of course the next is sterilizer for the bottle-so simple! I love simple as I use a lot of bottle in a day and I don’t want to waste time sterilizing by boiling them for 10 minutes!
Breast massage can be useful- you can find it how in links I have on the right side of my posts (just find it somewhere hehehhehe) or to stimulate more let down milk, cover your breast up before you pump with warm towel.
You need to relax when you do this not in a rush, watching TV or listening to the music while pumping also make you relax.
To increase the milk supply, pump it consistently, e.g. every 3 or 4 hours.
Good luck!
bottle warmer,
breast pump,
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Sleeping pattern-success!
He is almost 5 months now and FINALLY....he can sleep on his own box! Praise the Lord..
Here the story from the beginning....He has been sleping on his tummy since he was 1 week (our pedi. recommended this style as he has breathing problem). Never work to let him sleep on his tummy until now! Anyway, the advantages of sleeping on his tummy are he could lift up his neck on his first month, he is an expert to turn his head right and left while sleeping, he is no longer have breathing problem.
I experienced carrying him until he fell asleep and when i put him on his bed, he cried and we started the process again. Sometimes I slept with him on my lap....it's so tiring huhuhuhu. It made me do nothing all day long!!!
Next step was I needed to carry and rock him until he fell asleep and then I will super slowly putting him on his box and he would sleep....this style hurt my back a lot!!!! Sometimes it takes 30 minutes (if i'm lucky) until 2 hours!!!!!!
I read some method to make the baby sleeps by himself, such as after good night kiss then leave him alone (I've tried this and he still didn't sleep until an hour and still crying!) or other similar method but it just didn't work!
Finally...he is 6kg now and I will break my back I believe if i do this everytime he has to sleep, so I talked with my cousin and she said......just put him on the box when he shows sleepy signs and if he doesn't want to sleep just play with him on his box until he falls asleep. If he cries, ask him to play again or we can leave him crying for 30-45 minutes for 3 days and then he will get use of it. but must be under your supervision if he really need to be carried. Well I've tried this and it doesn't really work for my sweet baby!
With some changes, finally it works!!! so when he shows sleepy signs, put him on the box, if he doesn't want to sleep, i used to ask him play on his box (I sat next to his box)--> it's not working, he will then play and cry and play and cry for 1-2 hours. So...I will carry him and ask him to play on my bed until he rubs his eyes several times and become fussy a bit, then i'll put him on his box, he will cry for 15 minutes or less and then sleep (the beginning), now he will cry for 5 minutes or less!!! or if he showed the signs already but still crying just feed him, it usually work well!
I will not set the time for his napping, but at night I usually put him on his box at 8pm or less if he shows the signs already.
For nap time, if he sleeps less than his common hour, I usually give him pats on his back or pick him up and rock him a while and put him back on his box or feed him...if they just don't work then it's time for me to play with him hip hip hoorayyyy
I assume that baby knows when he needs or wants to sleep desperately so why do we wasting time asking him to sleep while he wants to play still.
My tips for mums is remember, different child different style.....don't force your child to one method, know your child better! Trial and error absolutely needed!
Here the story from the beginning....He has been sleping on his tummy since he was 1 week (our pedi. recommended this style as he has breathing problem). Never work to let him sleep on his tummy until now! Anyway, the advantages of sleeping on his tummy are he could lift up his neck on his first month, he is an expert to turn his head right and left while sleeping, he is no longer have breathing problem.
I experienced carrying him until he fell asleep and when i put him on his bed, he cried and we started the process again. Sometimes I slept with him on my lap....it's so tiring huhuhuhu. It made me do nothing all day long!!!
Next step was I needed to carry and rock him until he fell asleep and then I will super slowly putting him on his box and he would sleep....this style hurt my back a lot!!!! Sometimes it takes 30 minutes (if i'm lucky) until 2 hours!!!!!!
I read some method to make the baby sleeps by himself, such as after good night kiss then leave him alone (I've tried this and he still didn't sleep until an hour and still crying!) or other similar method but it just didn't work!
Finally...he is 6kg now and I will break my back I believe if i do this everytime he has to sleep, so I talked with my cousin and she said......just put him on the box when he shows sleepy signs and if he doesn't want to sleep just play with him on his box until he falls asleep. If he cries, ask him to play again or we can leave him crying for 30-45 minutes for 3 days and then he will get use of it. but must be under your supervision if he really need to be carried. Well I've tried this and it doesn't really work for my sweet baby!
With some changes, finally it works!!! so when he shows sleepy signs, put him on the box, if he doesn't want to sleep, i used to ask him play on his box (I sat next to his box)--> it's not working, he will then play and cry and play and cry for 1-2 hours. So...I will carry him and ask him to play on my bed until he rubs his eyes several times and become fussy a bit, then i'll put him on his box, he will cry for 15 minutes or less and then sleep (the beginning), now he will cry for 5 minutes or less!!! or if he showed the signs already but still crying just feed him, it usually work well!
I will not set the time for his napping, but at night I usually put him on his box at 8pm or less if he shows the signs already.
For nap time, if he sleeps less than his common hour, I usually give him pats on his back or pick him up and rock him a while and put him back on his box or feed him...if they just don't work then it's time for me to play with him hip hip hoorayyyy
I assume that baby knows when he needs or wants to sleep desperately so why do we wasting time asking him to sleep while he wants to play still.
My tips for mums is remember, different child different style.....don't force your child to one method, know your child better! Trial and error absolutely needed!
sleeping pattern
Sunday, January 25, 2009

I avoid using this soothing things for my baby boy since the first time.....until I went to my pedi (another pedi to have second opinion). She looked at my baby and asked about his sucking hobby, she saw when he finished his milk and still eager to suck. She asked whether I give him paci or not...I said confidently...I won't use it and make it as bad habit!
My pedi said....who need or not need it? is it the parents or the baby??? OK.......that's a hard question to answer! My pedi remained me that as parents we have to fullfil his need, that's it! It's not about parents, it's about the baby! Huhuhuhuhu That's 1000% correct! Where am I????
So.....I started giving him the dummy when he showed sucking motion but refused to drink. It did help! and if you know........dummy is just addicted! not to the baby but to parents! It's like a safety boat in emergency situation....
start crying......dummy's coming...
hungry but the milk not ready yet....dummy's coming...
on his box and he's crying....dummy's coming....
I read some articles that mention it's safe to use dummy until 4 mo as it won't affect the jaws or teeth position.....some say it's ok until 6 mo....and baby will have less willingness to suck his dummy after 4mo......another great fact is it's easier to wean a dummy than a thumb...
So here I'm with 4 mo baby and it's true that dummy not his favourite any longer....so dummy now is really not a help anymore hooorayyyy
My tips for mums are becareful using dummy too often, the best period is only 2 hours a day.....because when he cries and you force the dummy in, you don't give him time to express his feelings. Dummy might be a great soother for the baby, so be wise to decide whether your baby need it or not. Remember it's about the baby's need not what the parents want.
My pedi said....who need or not need it? is it the parents or the baby??? OK.......that's a hard question to answer! My pedi remained me that as parents we have to fullfil his need, that's it! It's not about parents, it's about the baby! Huhuhuhuhu That's 1000% correct! Where am I????
So.....I started giving him the dummy when he showed sucking motion but refused to drink. It did help! and if you know........dummy is just addicted! not to the baby but to parents! It's like a safety boat in emergency situation....
start crying......dummy's coming...
hungry but the milk not ready yet....dummy's coming...
on his box and he's crying....dummy's coming....
I read some articles that mention it's safe to use dummy until 4 mo as it won't affect the jaws or teeth position.....some say it's ok until 6 mo....and baby will have less willingness to suck his dummy after 4mo......another great fact is it's easier to wean a dummy than a thumb...
So here I'm with 4 mo baby and it's true that dummy not his favourite any longer....so dummy now is really not a help anymore hooorayyyy
My tips for mums are becareful using dummy too often, the best period is only 2 hours a day.....because when he cries and you force the dummy in, you don't give him time to express his feelings. Dummy might be a great soother for the baby, so be wise to decide whether your baby need it or not. Remember it's about the baby's need not what the parents want.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Playing with 4mo baby
I have no idea of games I can play with my baby boy when he was 0-3 month old. What I can do just singing, reading him a book, chanting rhymes, swinging toys in front of his eyes (with min.20cm distance), talking with him as if he understood me hahahahaha, just entertain him hohoho
Now he is 4 months old and I have more fun things to do with him...HOORAYYY....he can roll onto his tummy and swimming on the bed hahahahaha, he can even starting crawling on his tummy backward and forward....He does the backward first which surprised us! He just can do it suddenly....
He also babbling a lot and now he can give us his big laugh and trust me that all parents must be challenged to make him giggling hahahahaha. He can give response for sure sometimes with his facial expression, like wrinkling his forehead hahahaha
He loves to play peek-a-boo with thin blanket.
He laughs when we make super silly face huhuhu or funny silly noise hohohoho
He looks at the book -sometimes- when we read him a book with colorful pictures. He sometimes read the newspaper with his daddy hahahaha€
He can hold his rattle and swing it to make the sound or try to get it if we put it far from him
He can sit on his special chair and watch TV...or just lie him on bed with TV on when we need to do something urgent
He can play with the ball I hang over his box, he can kick it with his legs or punch it with his finger
He can hit the piano tuts ----so cute!!!
Now he is 4 months old and I have more fun things to do with him...HOORAYYY....he can roll onto his tummy and swimming on the bed hahahahaha, he can even starting crawling on his tummy backward and forward....He does the backward first which surprised us! He just can do it suddenly....
He also babbling a lot and now he can give us his big laugh and trust me that all parents must be challenged to make him giggling hahahahaha. He can give response for sure sometimes with his facial expression, like wrinkling his forehead hahahaha
He loves to play peek-a-boo with thin blanket.
He laughs when we make super silly face huhuhu or funny silly noise hohohoho
He looks at the book -sometimes- when we read him a book with colorful pictures. He sometimes read the newspaper with his daddy hahahaha€
He can hold his rattle and swing it to make the sound or try to get it if we put it far from him
He can sit on his special chair and watch TV...or just lie him on bed with TV on when we need to do something urgent
He can play with the ball I hang over his box, he can kick it with his legs or punch it with his finger
He can hit the piano tuts ----so cute!!!
He can sit on my lap when I work on my computer hoorayyyyy
He laughs when he sees his reflection on the mirror and he even try to touch himself hahahaha
He pays 100% attention when he sees his daddy playing guitar and singing for him- so sweet!!
He looks at the handphone when I call someone
He loves camera, trust me!!! when he knows we'll shoot him, he doesn't want to smile and after i took the pictures, I usually show him and he will look at it seriously Hohohoho
He loves to fly in the air, what I mean is holding him on his armpit and toss him up!
He learns to sit, when we hold his arm, he will pull himself forward- my ped says the baby better to crawl first before sit to avoid scoliosis problem in the future
He also starting to recognise people....he knows mummy is for him if he wants to sleep huhuhuhu and daddy is for him if he wants to laugh!!!! hahahaha, but it's true that sometimes he doesn't want to be carried by our maid. I try to let him carried by my friends so he will get used with strangers..
My tips for mums are don't carry him too much let him explore what he can do when he is on his tummy on his bed or our bed (with supervision). Introduce him to many activities that we do usually-he might get interested! Let him explore his environment and talk to him as if he understand and he does I believe! Make him laugh a lot so he will love to smile. Enjoy the time with him as he grows so fast!
How much is the breast milk
Joining a lot of forum is very useful that i know i'm a normal mum hahahaha
I used to store breast milk -at least a bottle- everyday in the fridge, which last 24hours and there was time I wasted the milk because it just too much for the baby! and I once put in the freezer which last 3 months!
--- I pump 5 times a day
I have also experienced the milk racing with my little one but thank God my breast milk just ENOUGH for the baby!
--- I pump 6-7 times a day
Now I enjoy the abundant of breast milk again hohohohoho....
--- Back to 5 times a day with more milk
This is what I eat and drink
1. Water
2. 2 glasses of green peas everyday
3. Green veggie
4. daun katuk (which I found out not really worked for me)
5. Mongolian Pumpkin
6. Pork, esp. the feet (IT WORKS THE BEST)- make it into soup, the magic is in the soup not the meat ( I just love the meat as well hahahahah)
Recipee for the Feet Pork Soup
Feet pork (tigh to nail)
soy sauce
Put all the ingredients to the pan and boil it for 1,5-2 hours
My tips for mums for getting more milk are eat a lot and enjoy life! If you feel tired expressing the milk, read again the advantages of breast milk so you will highly motivated! Express your milk consistently, e.g. every 4 hours. Isn't it amazing how God provides the milk enough for the baby.....
I used to store breast milk -at least a bottle- everyday in the fridge, which last 24hours and there was time I wasted the milk because it just too much for the baby! and I once put in the freezer which last 3 months!
--- I pump 5 times a day
I have also experienced the milk racing with my little one but thank God my breast milk just ENOUGH for the baby!
--- I pump 6-7 times a day
Now I enjoy the abundant of breast milk again hohohohoho....
--- Back to 5 times a day with more milk
This is what I eat and drink
1. Water
2. 2 glasses of green peas everyday
3. Green veggie
4. daun katuk (which I found out not really worked for me)
5. Mongolian Pumpkin
6. Pork, esp. the feet (IT WORKS THE BEST)- make it into soup, the magic is in the soup not the meat ( I just love the meat as well hahahahah)
Recipee for the Feet Pork Soup
Feet pork (tigh to nail)
soy sauce
Put all the ingredients to the pan and boil it for 1,5-2 hours
My tips for mums for getting more milk are eat a lot and enjoy life! If you feel tired expressing the milk, read again the advantages of breast milk so you will highly motivated! Express your milk consistently, e.g. every 4 hours. Isn't it amazing how God provides the milk enough for the baby.....
breast milk,
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Back to work-loosing milk
My maternity leaves just over! When it times to get back to work, it’s really not easy, not for me nor the baby! No proper facility absolutely one of the worst from the other worst…..
Bringing the baby with me not a choice as I don’t have any family around and I also give him breast milk…….so he’ll be with me wherever I go…
I have proposed to be a part timer; still it’s not easy to spend time pumping the milk in the corner of the office with a worry feeling someone will call and need to find me urgently!
So here the problem arises……my milk supply decrease….and it’s like a milk race between me and the baby. Sometimes…when the baby’s hungry I haven’t pumped the milk because it’s not 3 hours yet and don’t suggest me the formula, I have committed myself to give breast milk!
I should work 3 days a week for one month only as I have to prepare my replacement to be ready and I will quit after. Yesterday I planned to work full day as my husband get a holiday and I planned to store the breast milk in the freezer…..what happen is I don’t even get more milk, usually I can save a bottle in the fridge just in case.
I was worry, which I know I can’t be worry….My tips for mums are trying to sleep a lot, it will definitely increase your milk supply. After the last pump and saved in a bottle ask your husband to feed the baby at night, so you will have unbroken night. Try to relax and drink like you never drink before! If you really committed to give only the best, which is breast milk, set the priority on your baby….
Bringing the baby with me not a choice as I don’t have any family around and I also give him breast milk…….so he’ll be with me wherever I go…
I have proposed to be a part timer; still it’s not easy to spend time pumping the milk in the corner of the office with a worry feeling someone will call and need to find me urgently!
So here the problem arises……my milk supply decrease….and it’s like a milk race between me and the baby. Sometimes…when the baby’s hungry I haven’t pumped the milk because it’s not 3 hours yet and don’t suggest me the formula, I have committed myself to give breast milk!
I should work 3 days a week for one month only as I have to prepare my replacement to be ready and I will quit after. Yesterday I planned to work full day as my husband get a holiday and I planned to store the breast milk in the freezer…..what happen is I don’t even get more milk, usually I can save a bottle in the fridge just in case.
I was worry, which I know I can’t be worry….My tips for mums are trying to sleep a lot, it will definitely increase your milk supply. After the last pump and saved in a bottle ask your husband to feed the baby at night, so you will have unbroken night. Try to relax and drink like you never drink before! If you really committed to give only the best, which is breast milk, set the priority on your baby….
breast milk,
maternity leave,
milk supply,
Friday, January 9, 2009
Breast milk-warning!
I just read this....DO NOT SHAKE the breast milk in a bottle
I do this ALWAYS....lucky that I don't miss this important information...
read this!
I do this ALWAYS....lucky that I don't miss this important information...
read this!
Don't Shake the Milk
Linda J. Smith, BSE, FACCE, IBCLC
Linda J. Smith, BSE, FACCE, IBCLC
Why not?
Because shaking expressed mothers' milk (or boiling or freezing it) denatures the shaped molecules of the protective proteins, leaving only the pieces - the amino acids - the parts. Lactoferrin, lysozyme, and other protective components work their protection magic when they are in their original shaped molecular structure. Some components remain intact, even during freezing, shaking or heating. They not only protect the gut from many kinds of infection, but also prevent inflammation of the gut lining. Even broken up, the separate amino acids are still really good stuff and are digested by the baby as nutrients.
Imagine a set of pop-beads assembled into a necklace or bracelet. When the beads are acting as a bracelet or necklace, they are doing their job as protective elements. When you break apart the beads, you have in your hand many individual chunks of amino acids which are then digested.
Cellular components are also susceptible to damage by physical stress. After all, they are living cells.
With mother's milk, you get at least two functions for the price of one. With manufactured formula, you only get the individual beads, never the necklace or bracelet. And never the living cells.
So, please handle human milk gently, respectfully and kindly. It's far more than perfect food for babies - it's a living tissue and protective shield too.
Because shaking expressed mothers' milk (or boiling or freezing it) denatures the shaped molecules of the protective proteins, leaving only the pieces - the amino acids - the parts. Lactoferrin, lysozyme, and other protective components work their protection magic when they are in their original shaped molecular structure. Some components remain intact, even during freezing, shaking or heating. They not only protect the gut from many kinds of infection, but also prevent inflammation of the gut lining. Even broken up, the separate amino acids are still really good stuff and are digested by the baby as nutrients.
Imagine a set of pop-beads assembled into a necklace or bracelet. When the beads are acting as a bracelet or necklace, they are doing their job as protective elements. When you break apart the beads, you have in your hand many individual chunks of amino acids which are then digested.
Cellular components are also susceptible to damage by physical stress. After all, they are living cells.
With mother's milk, you get at least two functions for the price of one. With manufactured formula, you only get the individual beads, never the necklace or bracelet. And never the living cells.
So, please handle human milk gently, respectfully and kindly. It's far more than perfect food for babies - it's a living tissue and protective shield too.
breast milk,
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Cold or allergic
After the pediatrician in Jakarta, my baby still have runny nose! We decided to stop all the medicine, the doctor suggested giving him antibiotic, but we won’t do it! We will bring him to our personal pedi. In Bandung who handles our baby since he was 1 week.
Got the degree in Germany absolutely not a guarantee! He didn’t even show interest to the baby’s health history. I’ve talked to the doctor that he also have allergic to dust, softener, spray, air conditioner, etc (we don’t know yet). He didn’t pay attention and for me he didn’t examine the boy carefully.
Our personal pedi in Bandung, no matter how busy he is, how crowded the patient is always examine the patients super carefully! From head to toe…indeed! He stated confidently that our baby not getting cold but allergic! So……he took wrong medicine for some vain days!
Now…he is very much better! My tips for mum are….find a permanent pedi. for your baby who can depended on. Having another ped. for second opinion is fine. If you not sure with the diagnoses, find another doctor and make sure you tell the doctor about your baby’s health history! If one of the parents get allergic to something or whatever, mostly the kid get it too, he probably get allergic to different thing than us.
Got the degree in Germany absolutely not a guarantee! He didn’t even show interest to the baby’s health history. I’ve talked to the doctor that he also have allergic to dust, softener, spray, air conditioner, etc (we don’t know yet). He didn’t pay attention and for me he didn’t examine the boy carefully.
Our personal pedi in Bandung, no matter how busy he is, how crowded the patient is always examine the patients super carefully! From head to toe…indeed! He stated confidently that our baby not getting cold but allergic! So……he took wrong medicine for some vain days!
Now…he is very much better! My tips for mum are….find a permanent pedi. for your baby who can depended on. Having another ped. for second opinion is fine. If you not sure with the diagnoses, find another doctor and make sure you tell the doctor about your baby’s health history! If one of the parents get allergic to something or whatever, mostly the kid get it too, he probably get allergic to different thing than us.
runny nose
Friday, January 2, 2009
Baby-funny- Development
If you are with your baby everyday for 24 hours, you'll be amazed on his development. One by one of the easiest skills (FOR US) that he can achieve. Just wonderful!
This is what happen to my baby, it can be different to yours
He can't see clearly yet, so I have to get my face close to his-around 20cm.
He started to smile-it's just his reflex. He smiled the most after being fed or slept.
He hasn't open his fist yet
His nails just like skin, so soft
He sleeps often in the afternoon (not at night)
If you don't use diaper, he pees all the time
All he can do with his mouth is crying
He absolutely didn't know which one is his mummy or daddy
He needed to be comforted after milk time at night for a LONG time (1-2hours)
He didn't care with what around him, even the TV (when it's on)
He did reflex on his hands and legs so often until he surprised himself
He started babbling very short just like aaa or eee
He could hold up his neck
He is able to see clearly, so make distance when you make eye contact
He smiles when people smile at him or tease him. He still smile after being fed or slept.
He starts exploring what his hands can do, touching, grasping, pushing and putting his fingers inside his mouth (talk about this separately, next posting)
His nails harden
He doesn't sleep often in the afternoon, but long sleep at night (he wakes up once only during the night)
If you don't use diaper, you can predict when the time is (if you are lucky HAHAHA), if you carry him above the basin and turn on the tap he sometimes pee when he listens to the water
All he can do with his mouth is crying
He starts recognizing his mummy and daddy also families around
He could sleep directly after being fed
He loves watching TV!!! He is a great observer
He did reflex on his hands and legs less
He is a great babbler and he starts showing expression when babbling
He can find his feet and hold it
He can roll over from tummy to back by himself
If you pay attention you can differentiate his type of crying whether he wants milk or he's tired or he desperately sleepy
This is what happen to my baby, it can be different to yours
He can't see clearly yet, so I have to get my face close to his-around 20cm.
He started to smile-it's just his reflex. He smiled the most after being fed or slept.
He hasn't open his fist yet
His nails just like skin, so soft
He sleeps often in the afternoon (not at night)
If you don't use diaper, he pees all the time
All he can do with his mouth is crying
He absolutely didn't know which one is his mummy or daddy
He needed to be comforted after milk time at night for a LONG time (1-2hours)
He didn't care with what around him, even the TV (when it's on)
He did reflex on his hands and legs so often until he surprised himself
He started babbling very short just like aaa or eee
He could hold up his neck
He is able to see clearly, so make distance when you make eye contact
He smiles when people smile at him or tease him. He still smile after being fed or slept.
He starts exploring what his hands can do, touching, grasping, pushing and putting his fingers inside his mouth (talk about this separately, next posting)
His nails harden
He doesn't sleep often in the afternoon, but long sleep at night (he wakes up once only during the night)
If you don't use diaper, you can predict when the time is (if you are lucky HAHAHA), if you carry him above the basin and turn on the tap he sometimes pee when he listens to the water
All he can do with his mouth is crying
He starts recognizing his mummy and daddy also families around
He could sleep directly after being fed
He loves watching TV!!! He is a great observer
He did reflex on his hands and legs less
He is a great babbler and he starts showing expression when babbling
He can find his feet and hold it
He can roll over from tummy to back by himself
If you pay attention you can differentiate his type of crying whether he wants milk or he's tired or he desperately sleepy
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