
Thursday, January 29, 2009

Breastfeeding- starter kit and points to know!

Friends of mine asked me this question: “What are the basic props we need to start pumping?” So here we go:

Start thinking after delivery, absolutely everybody wants to breastfeed the baby directly, but…..if until the second day, the milk won’t let down (the baby will be fine without any food until 2-3 days-depend on the condition as well)…buy the pump to stimulate the milk as quick as possible if not the hospital will offer you the formula hiks hiks hiks. I suggest you to use manual pump because you can control the suction; send me email at
if you need to know the brand.

If you have problem with the nipple, consult with the lactation consultant (you can find them in certain hospital) whether you need the nipple shield to pull the nipple out or you need to do something to prepare yours to breastfeed the baby.

Pumping the milk means you need more bottle, if you have abundant milk supply then you can store them in the fridge (last for 24 hours) or in the freezer (last for 3 months). If you just put it outside until the next feeding time it will last 6-8 hours and if the weather extremely hot it lasts only 4 hours. Just smell it before you give it to the baby if overdue.

When you put it in the fridge or freezer and you want it simple then you need bottle warmer or if you don’t want to buy it then just put in the warm water until the temperature of the bottle as warm as the water (it takes time definitely). DO NOT SHAKE the MILK just SWIRL it! Why????? Read the article I attached in the blog archive.

Brush and liquid soap special to wash the bottle and the small bucket to put the dirty bottle in. You may also need bottle container to put all the bottle in.

Of course the next is sterilizer for the bottle-so simple! I love simple as I use a lot of bottle in a day and I don’t want to waste time sterilizing by boiling them for 10 minutes!

Breast massage can be useful- you can find it how in links I have on the right side of my posts (just find it somewhere hehehhehe) or to stimulate more let down milk, cover your breast up before you pump with warm towel.

You need to relax when you do this not in a rush, watching TV or listening to the music while pumping also make you relax.

To increase the milk supply, pump it consistently, e.g. every 3 or 4 hours.

Good luck!